1. I had verys strong reactions to the article that i read today in class, some of these can be similar to sadness, hopefulness and angriness. I read alot about how animals in Africa were being wiped out and killed for their meat and other things, their populations of wild animals are going down.What got to me the most was the fact that some species might be completely wiped out.

3.This is my favorite of Nick Brandt's photos, it stands out to me alot because of the animal itself and the way they are in a line.
4. Some rules of photography that are shown are: simplicity, which is an obvious one with how simple the contents of the photo are. Rule of thirds, as the main elephant is within the rule of thirds grid. Another similar one to rule of thirds is centering as the like of elephants is in the center of the photo.
5.He doesn't use a telepho lens because he believes that being more up and close is better for capturing the personality of the animal and better then being so far away.
6. His reason for taking these photos is much bigger and less simple then one might think, whenever he photographs these animals it really moves him and he loves it. He also want to show the true beauty of these animals and show how important they are and spread attention to how they are treated and killed.
7. His hope is that people will realize how important and gorgeous the animals are and their meaning.
8 "
Where to begin? Every year, every month, the problems seem to grow ever greater, ever more complex and ever more intertwined with one another. Between population pressure, global warming, deforestation and poaching, the destruction is massive and escalating."