Wednesday, September 28, 2016

ISO questions

1. What are the advantages of shoot at a higher ISO at a sporting event like basketball or a night football game?
The advantages is that at nigh or indoors there isn't as much light so you need to have higher iso which will give you more brightness for a more high quality photo.

2. What suggestions did the author make about using a low ISO?

Use low iso most of the time and more in general because a lot of time photos are taken outdoors and having a too high or too low iso can really turn a good photo opportunity from majestic to horrible.

3. What suggestions did the author make about using a high ISO?

Whenever there isn't enough light to quickly capture an image is whenever you use high iso.

Different ISO's

Above is an iso of 200

Above is and iso ove 3200

Shutter Speed Settings

3 settings your camera has regarding shutter speed include:

Aperture priority, where you change the lens aperture and the camera automatically sets the
shutter speed.

Shutter Priority, where you set the shutter speed and the camera automatically sets the 

Manual, where you set the aperture and the shutter speed.
                                                              Above is high shutter speed

                                                                Above is low shutter speed

Great Black and White photographers PART 2

Jacques Henri Lartigue

Jacques Henri Lartigue is a french black and white photographer  born July 13, 1894
and passed away September 12, 1986. Wrote the books
diary of a century and J.H. Lartigue. Known for his photographs of things like
automobile races, planes, and female models.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Aperture Questions

1. What part of the body should we closely relate aperture?  
The part of the body we should closely relate aperture too is the eye.

2. Finish this sentence - the smaller the Aperture _____________, the higher the Aperture ________________.

The smaller the Aperture the more in focus the background is, the higher the aperture, the less in focus the background is.

3. In your own words tell me how aperture impacts Depth of Field.

Aperture impacts Depth of field a lot  thinking about the fact that the size of the aperture has a direct effect on the Depth of Field.Depth of Field is where on the imagine it is sharp and where it isn't.

Photo Manipulation and ethics- Least unethical change

                                                       This is the least unethical change in a
                                                photo to me because of the fact because all that was change was
                                               a little change in brightness and other small properties which don't
                                              make a very big difference and don't hurt anyone.

Photo Manipulation and Ethics- Most unethical change

This is the most unethical to me because it completely changes the face of
someone and makes them look like they are in a position that is
inappropriate for their job position and can cause lots of unnecesary drama.

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. Some main points about what i read can include how changing a photo using things like photoshop is a huge deal even if its the smallest change and can costs people jobs and ruin lives.

B.Washington Post and New York Times have very strong guidelines for their photographers to follow.Photojournalists have to turn in all their proof and their portfolios for their photos to be used.

C.Things you could do to an imagine without crossing the line is things like not photoshopping any objects or people in or out of a photo, maybe changing a little bit of brightness or very small things like such without there being much difference.



Wednesday, September 14, 2016

My favorite contest picture

My favorite photo from the Contest was the one with a girl experimenting with pink paint on top of a subwoofer which made a really cool effect where the paint was in mid air. The rules used were: simplicity, centering, and lines.

Filling the frame

                                           This picture is very interesting to me because it uncommon to see a   to teacher relationship as strong as the one in the photo.

The Story

This visual tells a big and kind story about helping and i find it very interesting.

Action and Emotion

This photo has the best action and emotion, this is because to me personally
i can see all the children with big smiles and are really engaged in the
lab they are doing.You can tell that a lot of action is happening with all the

Friday, September 9, 2016

Avoiding Mergers

                                             The merge in this photo are the two buildings
                                             side by side.


The framing in this photo is the shatter of the building
making a whole around the subject which is the fire fighter on
the ladder.


                                                          The lines in this photo are the
                                                           buildings standing straight up.

Rule of thirds

                                           The rule of thirds is the subject of the firefighters head
                                            within one 4 corners.


                                         This picture represents simplicity with the bland background.


                                                 The balance can be found with the two men side by side.

Prompt 1



Friday, September 2, 2016

The Camera
1.The camera obscura effect is achieved by being in a completely dark room with a hole in the wall, within the hole with light coming through, only the light is focused.
2.During the 17th century the invention of the lenses and optics, by Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens.
3.A glass lens, a dark box, and film.
4.Modern cameras are like the first still because light passes through the lens, into the camera, and exposes the film, and the end result is still a photograph.
5.Digital cameras capture the images with an electronic sensor called a CCD.

Camera Modes

6.Auto mode is mainly for beginners and all you have to do is point and shoot for an almost guaranteed great photo, program mode is for more experienced photographers with more options like controlling brightness and other various things.
7.Portrait mode is is where the camera will try to use the fastest available lens settings in attempt to blur the background.
8.In sports mode the camera will use the fastest shutter speed possible in order to freeze motion.

The Half-Press
9.The reason you should half press is because the camera will start to focus on whatever your pointed on, then once you think its perfect, you want to do a full press to take the picture.

Controlling Flash
10.This symbol represents disabled flash which you want to keep off mainly if its very bright outside because natural light can be more powerful and make for a better photo.
11.This symbol represents auto flash which is when the camera automatically uses its flash when taking a photo if it thinks there isn't enough light. You would probably want to use this whenever you aren't sure if you should use flash or no flash.

12.Too much light on a photo will make it washed out.
13.Not enough light and the photo will be too dark.

The Universal Stop14.A stop is a relative measurement of light.
15.The earth is one stop brighter if there are 2 suns.
16. If there are 4 suns then the earth is 2 stops brighter.

Shutter and Aperture17.The longer the shutter speed, the more light.
18.The shorter the shutter speed, the less light.
19.The aperture is like a the pupil, it controls how much light is let in.
20.You can control the light by, if the F stop number is higher then there are larger openings, and if the F stop number is lower then there are smaller openings.