Friday, September 2, 2016

The Camera
1.The camera obscura effect is achieved by being in a completely dark room with a hole in the wall, within the hole with light coming through, only the light is focused.
2.During the 17th century the invention of the lenses and optics, by Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens.
3.A glass lens, a dark box, and film.
4.Modern cameras are like the first still because light passes through the lens, into the camera, and exposes the film, and the end result is still a photograph.
5.Digital cameras capture the images with an electronic sensor called a CCD.

Camera Modes

6.Auto mode is mainly for beginners and all you have to do is point and shoot for an almost guaranteed great photo, program mode is for more experienced photographers with more options like controlling brightness and other various things.
7.Portrait mode is is where the camera will try to use the fastest available lens settings in attempt to blur the background.
8.In sports mode the camera will use the fastest shutter speed possible in order to freeze motion.

The Half-Press
9.The reason you should half press is because the camera will start to focus on whatever your pointed on, then once you think its perfect, you want to do a full press to take the picture.

Controlling Flash
10.This symbol represents disabled flash which you want to keep off mainly if its very bright outside because natural light can be more powerful and make for a better photo.
11.This symbol represents auto flash which is when the camera automatically uses its flash when taking a photo if it thinks there isn't enough light. You would probably want to use this whenever you aren't sure if you should use flash or no flash.

12.Too much light on a photo will make it washed out.
13.Not enough light and the photo will be too dark.

The Universal Stop14.A stop is a relative measurement of light.
15.The earth is one stop brighter if there are 2 suns.
16. If there are 4 suns then the earth is 2 stops brighter.

Shutter and Aperture17.The longer the shutter speed, the more light.
18.The shorter the shutter speed, the less light.
19.The aperture is like a the pupil, it controls how much light is let in.
20.You can control the light by, if the F stop number is higher then there are larger openings, and if the F stop number is lower then there are smaller openings.

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