Monday, November 28, 2016

top 100 photos

1. This photo really caught my eye when I i first saw its i had noticed that i had the exact same picture framed in my house.
2. This photo doesn't have much of a back story including the fact that the photographer is unknown.  The 11 men were on a lunch break while constructing and decided to sit on a thin beam over 600 feet in the air. The photo is told to show how ambitious and daring New York is.
3. In addition to the photo i learned that the men in it also are unidentified.
4.Unknown Photographer
5.Unknown Photographer

1.This photo caught my attention as i see this photo on t shirts and bill boards and it is very known.
2.The back story behind this photo is the famous fighter muhammad ali towering over his opponent  in a big fight, the photographer had the perfect opportunity to get the snapshot of Muhammad towering over him after knocking him out.
3.I found out that Muhammad Ali has an incredible record of 56 wins and 5 losses.
4.Neil Leifer works for sports illustrated, time inc ,
5.Neil Leifer
Born December 28, 1942

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